
Heavy Attacks Against Pozières and Soyecourt, July 19, 1916

The World War

Latest Official War Report - WTB. Central Headquarters July 18, Official

Western Theater of War

French soldiers taken prisoner at the Somme are given
bread and butter with coffee in the courtyard of the castle
in Ham in northern France
(Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges, 1914/1916)

Enemy patrols were repelled before our barriers at several points along the northern part of the Front. One of our patrols took 1 officer, 4 non-commissioned officers and 11 men prisoner in the English trench east of Vermelles.

On both sides of the Somme, our opponents used the day to prepare for fire. Heavy attacks in the evening and during the night, directed at Pozières and the positions to the east of it at Biaches, Maisonette, Barleux and Soyecourt were scuppered everywhere with heavy losses to the enemy.

In the area of the Maas, intermittent lively fire and minor hand grenade skirmishes.

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