
Start of the English-French Offensive, July 3, 1916

Start of the English-French Offensive

Latest Official War Report - WTB. Central Headquarters July 2, Official

Western Theater of War

After seven days of advance operations by heavy artillery and gas assaults on both banks of the Somme, as well as Ancre-Baches, the major English-French armed attack, which has been in preparation over a period of several months with unlimited resources, started yesterday. 

The attack stretched over a distance of approximately 40 kilometers. However, from Sommecourt to the area of La Boiselle [sic: La Boisselle] the enemy did not gain any considerable advantages, though suffered very heavy losses.

On the other hand, the enemy was successful in penetrating, at certain points, the foremost lines of both the division sections positioned at the Somme. It was thus decided to withdraw these divisions from the completely destroyed foremost trenches and relocate them to the fortified position between the first and second trenches. The material permanently installed in the foremost line was thus lost, as is always the case under such circumstances – however, it had already been rendered unusable.

In conjunction with these major combat operations, various artillery fire attacks and several more minor assault operations on the connecting fronts, as well as west and south-east of Tahure also took place; they were unsuccessful at all locations.

To the left of the Maas, the enemy once again launched heavy attacks yesterday and several times early this morning against the German lines on the Hill “Kalte Erde”, in particularly at Fort Thiaumont, and had to retreat in a barrage of fire with very heavy losses.

Destroyed town behind the Front

The enemy’s flying corps was extremely active. Our squadrons gave battle at several locations and caused the enemy heavy losses. Primarily in the area of the attacked Front and in the Maas region, 15 enemy planes were shot down in our lines, including 8 English and 3 French planes. Oberstleutnant Freiherr von Althaus put his 7th opponent out of action.

We did not lose any planes, although some operators and observers were wounded.
The attack is progressing. The number of prisoners increased by 7 officers and 1410 men. At various positions, enemy counter-attacks were sharply rebuffed.

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